Monday, July 14, 2014

Wherever I may roam pt 2

My Dad came up with the idea of certain "bucket list" roads he wanted to ride. One road is HWY101 from the top of Oregon to the bottom. He proposed that we take a road trip.

HWY 101 SUCKS on a sport bike. Getting to the top of Oregon involves some cool roads, but 101 is slow, straight, lots of RVs and did I mention slow? Remember dear reader how I'd been kicking around the idea of buying a Bolt?

So yeah. Did that. My credit score is pretty good so I financed a big chunk of it and rode home on a brand spankin new 2014 Bolt R-Spec, the first vehicle I've ever purchased new. I quickly racked up 500ish miles in a few weeks and took it in for the $300 oil change (first service). I should be able to mount my Airhawk-2 and my Coretech luggage to it and she'll be ready for the tour!

So anyways, pics:

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