Monday, April 5, 2021

Spring Observations

Every spring the bikes and riders come out after hibernation and repeat the age old rites of vernal-moto. My observations this year are mostly made from the point of view of a keyboard jockey on internet groups and forums as well as in person. So without further ado I present: The Rite of Spring (Motorcycle edition)

1. Blood for the Blood God. Lets get the unpleasantness out of the way quickly. Every year when the weather opens up people hit the road with minds, bodies, and bikes that have been in storage all winter. Tires might be underinflated, bodies are flabbier than last year, and brains are enthusiastic but reactions are rusty. Right off the cuff my area saw a handful of moto-fatalities right away mostly to do with people making bad decisions, just like every year.

2. The new riders and questions. Since we're living everything more virtual than we used to lets face it, the influx of new riders with old questions hitting the moto-groups seems bigger this year. What kind of oil/tires do I use? Where do I get my tires changed? Why is this so expensive? Why do I see lots of pictures from rides but nobody invites me *cries* ?

3. Group rides starting up again. During the winter when you get out for a quick scoot in between rain storms you might get one person to go with you, now lots of people want to go! But with lots of people wanting to go most of them don't have the same schedules or skill levels and things get.... complicated. Post up a ride saying "ATGATT, spirited pace", and someone with no gear whatsoever and bald tires shows up, then rides a 50% pace (except on the straights) and complains later about getting left in the dust.

4. People drama! "Why doesn't anyone invite me?" - Because your schedule is weird and or you suck to ride with. "I won't go on that ride because so-and-so is going on it." -Really dude? I'm not going to manage who is hurt at who, I'm just inviting everyone. "I don't know any good roads, I'll just follow" -I can't blame people for being navigationally inept, but just being lazy is another thing.

5. Every woman that ever posts or shows up getting absolutely mobbed by thirsty dudes. OK, some literally ask for it but most don't.

This is really just an observation on moto-culture though, I'm not making too much fun of any one person or group. Really I'm just glad spring is here (except for allergies) and I can ride without being bundled up and still cold. Time for some proper sport tires to go on the Duc and for all day rides.